Oh my god.
Oh my god. I just failed my Torts exam.I seriously looked at the first question (worth 50% of my grade) and thought "What the fuck IS a causal tendency?!". Since I was required to define it, distinguish it and debate its merits as applied to negligence law, let us just say that there is no possible way that I even scored one point. Lucky for me, I didn't freeze. I MADE IT UP. The whole thing. I INVENTED a definition for causal tendency (based on a second-grade analysis of the word 'causal' and the word 'tendency') and wrote a long and thoughtful essay on this invented definition. The greatest part? When I got to the end, I had to look at my introduction in order to REMEMBER what I thought causal tendency was.
As for the second 50% of my grade, well, I guess it's more of a toss-up. I'm pretty sure I must've scored a couple points maybe but nothing spectacular.
Why did I do this law school thing? I wasn't ready. I didn't study enough. The phrase 'causal tendency' wasn't even in my notes (which were shoddy at best, since, you know, I didn't pay attention in class). I am going to be forced to re-take a class I HATED, if I even stick around next semester to see how I did.
I feel nausea. I can't believe this has happened to me. I want to curl up and die. This is horrible.
Buck Up, Marine!
Hang in there!
Just fyi, I just googled "causal tendency" because I don't have good notes on it and it's the night before my torts final and I'm about 95% sure you had the same torts professor I have now (since I just looked at the exam from 2006...Hashi?). Anyways I hope you did well and thanks for assisting me in what was actually a search for emotional support!
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